LBNL large-format totally depleted thick CCDs
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A picture goes here 2010 LDRD wafer

Steve will supply caption.
A picture goes here LBNL's first 4kx4k 15 um pixel CCD (Feb 2007)

150 mm wafer with a 4k x 4 k 15 um pixel CCD, two 2k x 4k 15 um pixel CCDs, and other structures.
A picture goes here Front-illuminated unthinned (650 um thick) picture-frame packaged 4114x4128 15 um pixel CCD in test dewar; 6 inch rule underneath for scale. CCD has 4-corner readout and high substrate voltage capability. Cosmic-ray muon tracks indidate near depletion at 80 V substrate bias. Preminary measurements show dark current (2e/px/hr) and no hot or blocked columns.

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First light with the LBNL 200 x 200 pixel (15 um)2 prototype CCD. The image of NGC7662 was obtained at the Lick Observatory 1-m telescope on 1996 July 30 by Richard Stover, Mingzhi Wei, and Steve Holland. This front-illuminated CCD was 300 um thick and totally depleted.

A picture goes here False color image of the Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula (M27, NGC 6853) using a shocking red 2kx2k CCD from Fab Run 2, courtesy of Nigel Sharp, Rich Reed, Dave Dryden, Dave Mills, Doug Williams, Charles Corson, Roger Lynds and Arjun Dey/NOAO/WIYN/NSF
WIYN 3.5-m, 2001 Jun 7
BLUE: Narrow-band H-alpha (6565/47; W13) , 300 s
GREEN: Narrow-band [SIII] (9545/27; KP1537), 3x600 s
RED: Intermediate band filter (includes HeII 10214) (10205/933; KP920), 6x300 s
Field of view approximately 276"

(CCD characterized and packaged by UCO/Lick)

For comparison with visible light images, see an Ektachrome photo and ESO 8-m "visible light" VLT/FORS images (rotated 90 deg with respect to others). Ektachrome renders the green [OII] line as blue; hence the color difference. Note in particular the obscured stars which become visible in the infrared NOAO image above.

Fabrication run 2 (100 mm wafers)
Fabrication run 3 (100 mm wafers)
2048 x 2048 15 um pixel
+ others (science grade)
2048 x 4096 15 um pixel
+ 1294 x 4186 12 um pixel
+ 1478 x 4784 10.5 um pixel + ...
A picture goes here A picture goes here

Fab run 2 CCD (2048 x 2048 and smaller 15-um pixel)  characterization  started in mid-December, 1998 (Wafer 1, front-illuminated) and continued as of Sept 1999 with back-illuminated Wafer 3, which has an AR coating optimized for 900 nm. Work on these CCDs continues, with first spectra at the Lick 3-m Shane telescope on 02 March 2000 and a spectrum of NGC7662 at the KPNO 4-m RC spectograph by Arjun Dey on 14 Nov 2000. Huge picture of the wafer! (14 Mby)

The first Fab Run 3 2048 x 4096 15-um pixel CCDs for front illumination were delivered to UCO/Lick for packaging and (successful) testing in July 2000.

LBNL CCDs on a 6-inch wafer
A picture goes here The two large CCDs are 2048 x 4096 15um2 devices for astronomy. The three central CCDs are 25202 12um2 and 28802 10.5um2 prototypes for the SNAP satellite camera. The wafer also contains near-square 15um2, 12um2, 10.5um2, and 9um2 CCDs, 1024 x 512 15um2 CCDs for radiation testing, and 1200 x 600 15um2 devices with different 2-stage amplifier designs. In addition there are test diodes and a number of other monitoring devices.

Quantum efficiency with red-optimized 2-layer AR coating 60% at 400 nm, > 90% for 700-900 nm, 60% at 1000 nm.
Webmaster: Don Groom

Revised 2008 April 23